Vayechi haftarah portion Join Now Torah Reading for Vayechi. ) VaYechi – 1 Kings 2:1-12. Last week's Torah portion explained that God had asked for a "donation" (i. Address: El Shaddai Ministries Office 1231 Fryar Ave Sumner, WA 98390. Where the Sephardic tradition differs, the Haftarah portions are designated as (A) and (S). Tetzaveh (“You Shall Command”) opens as God instructs Moses to appoint Aaron and his sons as priests. Print Options: This week’s Torah portion is Parashat Tetzaveh (read on 8 March 2025). Learning & Values Parshah (Weekly Torah) Bereishit - Genesis VayechiHaftarah As the book of Genesis closes, the seventy souls of Jacob's family become the twelve tribes of Israel. Verse numbering generally follows the Hebrew tradition, and where modern Christian traditions differ those verse numbers are shown in parentheses (). You will place my enemies before me in portions; “I will divide portions (שְׁכֶם)”; 3 “on the way, they would murder שֶׁכְמָה,” 4 i. , terumah) from the people for the sake of creating a portable, tent-like sanctuary called the Tabernacle. He had to flee to the land of Amram. Five books of story, law, and poetry divided into 54 weekly portions. In essence, the Learning the Haftorah: Vayechi: The weekly portion from the Prophets. Parashat Tetzaveh: Pinterest for Priests The Torah’s elaborate description of the priestly vestments reminds us that clothing has the power to change how we feel Torah Portion readings and the associated Haftarah readings generally follow the Stone Edition Chumash and/or the Complete Jewish Bible. Jacob settles in Hebron with his twelve sons. I Kings 2:1-12. Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible 1st Aliya: In the year 2255, Yakov was 147 years old and Yoseph was 56. The Talmud mentions the haftarah being read in the presence of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrcanus (c. The parashah covers Genesis 47:28–50:26. Jacob blesses Joseph’s two sons and his own 12 sons and then dies. Complete Parshah List. The Wilderness is an in-depth study of the haftarah. He speaks to Joseph, blesses Joseph’s children, and then gathers his sons for them to hear his last words to them. This week’s Haftorah is from Kings I Chap. This supplement lists every Haftarah for the Triennial Cycle Torah Reading as approved by the RA, CJLS on April 30, 2014. Vayechi is the Hebrew title for “And He Lived” and is the name for the weekly Torah portion reading for the Book of Genesis starting in chapter 47 verse 28 and going through chapter 50 verse 26. SATURDAYS First Teaching | 9:00am- 11:15a. Vayechi Genesis 47:28-50:26 I Kings 2:1-12 Shemot Exodus 1:1-6:1 Isaiah 27:6-28:13; 29:22-29:23 (Jeremiah 1:1-2:3) Va The Haftarah portion is likely chosen this week because of its first few lines. ) Haftarah Readings. While the Haftarah contains David's final words, the Torah portion contains Jacob's last words to his loved ones. Other communities could possibly read more, less, or a different section of the Prophets altogether. He blesses Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, elevating them to the status of his own sons as progenitors of tribes within the nation Essays and Divrei Torah on Vayechi - ויחי, integrating Historical and Contextual approaches. Vayigash 5784 Read the Entire Bible in One Year With the Torah Portions. They are also publicly read Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26. This week’s haftarah readings Our Torah reading for this week, parashat Vayechi (ויחי), recounts how the great patriarch Jacob adopted Joseph’s two sons (Ephraim and Manasseh) as his own children. Jacob left town after Esau vowed to kill him. You will place my enemies before me in portions; Haftarah for Vayechi: 1 Kings 2:1-12 . Vaychi, Vayechi or Vayhi (וַיְחִי —Hebrew for "and he lived," the first word of the parashah) is the twelfth weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה , parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the last in the Book of Genesis. Torah Portion Vayechi Genesis 47:28—50:26 Genesis 49 The similarities of these two passages from the Torah portion and the Haftarah portion both contain instructions of the father to the son or sons for after they have gone. And even though the land was divided according to head count, as it says: “You must give a larger inheritance to the large tribe,” 7 and every man took an equal portion except for the firstborn, nevertheless, only these of Joseph’s sons were called tribes – with regard to drawing lots for dividing the land according to the count of לִי־הֵם - Will be considered mine - i. Suggested Psalm (Psalm 41:14 CJB) Read the Entire Bible in One Year With the Torah Portions. Haftorah in a Nutshell. Current Parshah. 2 which relates Dovid Hamelech’s final instructions to Shlomo prior to his death. Portion Outline: The last reading from the book of Genesis is named Vayechi, which means “and he lived. Our Torah and Haftarah portions begin with a Jewish leader's impending death. Freed - poet, teacher, playwright and actor - gives voice - or is that voices? - to the whole thing. Torah reading, Haftarah, links to audio and commentary. Verse numbering generally follows the Hebrew tradition, and where modern Christian traditions differ those verse numbers are shown in The Haftarah for parashat Vayechi is taken from the first book of Kings (chapter 2:1-12), which (according to Jewish tradition) was written by the prophet Jeremiah, who later witnessed the destruction the First Temple by the Torah Reading for Vayechi. Torah Parashah Vayechi Summary The haftarah (reading from the Prophets) of this week’s Torah portion, Vayechi (“And he lived”), invites us to compare and contrast the last will and testament of King David with that of our Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete Translation of Chumash and Rashi courtesy Chabad House Publications’ forthcoming English Chumash with an annotated translation of Rashi based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, published by Jacob, Ephraim, and Manasseh (17th-century painting by Guercino). Read on 11 January 2025 / 11 Tevet 5785 in the Diaspora. Knowing that he would soon die, he asked Yosef to take an oath to bury him in Cana’an (Israel) in the Cave of the Machpela, where his forefathers are buried. לִי־הֵם. On the way, he encounters “the place” and sleeps there, dreaming of a ladder connecting heaven and earth, with angels climbing and descending on it; G‑d appears and promises that the land upon which he lies will be given Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete Translation of Chumash and Rashi courtesy Chabad House Publications’ forthcoming English Chumash with an annotated translation of Rashi based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, published by Kehot Publications Society. As the herald of the messianic age and a recurring figure in Jewish folklore, Elijah's In fact, he asked Hashem for this “gift” so that he would have the time to put his affairs in order. I will sustain you and your small children Learning the Haftorah: Vayechi: The weekly portion from the Prophets. Rabbi Mendel Dubov is the director of Chabad in Sussex County, NJ, and a member of faculty at the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, NJ. The children of Israel sink deeper into exile, but take with them the promise of pakod yifkod -- Parashat Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26). VAYECHI Melachim I 2:1–12 The Value of Continuity. First the Ark of the Covenant (and its cover called the kapporet) would occupy an inner Haftarah for Vayechi. Enjoy this Torah portion read without commentary. Haftarah: (Kings I 2:1-12) Please note: These Haftarah texts follow Chabad custom. Haftarah Vayetze begins with an allusion to this event. 02 November 2024 Noach 1 Cheshvan 5785 Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Genesis 6:9-7:5 or Genesis 6:9-7:24 Noah and the catastrophe of the flood Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26. On his deathbed, Jacob blesses his grandchildren, Ephraim and Menashe, and then blesses each of his sons. 7th Portion: (Genesis 50:21-26) Show content in: English Both Hebrew. God details how to make the priestly clothing, how to sanctify the priests and offer sacrifices during the seven days of inauguration in the Mishkan (Tabernacle), and Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26. He has Yosef swear Learning & Values Parshah (Weekly Torah) Bereishit - Genesis Vayechi Texts & Summaries Parashat Vayechi “And He Lived” - 11 Tevet 5785 / January 11, 2025. This will ensure his success in all his endeavors as well as the Learning the Haftorah: Vayechi: The weekly portion from the Prophets. We rarely find a righteous king transferring the monarchy during his lifetime. Vayechi (“He Lived”) is the final Torah portion in the Book of Genesis. Elijah the Prophet. Haftarah. 47:28–50:26 The practice of adding a haftarah reading to the Torah portion is ancient and has obscure origins. When all the parts have been read the ending of the last “Aliya” is repeated, and that is called the “Maftir”. בְּחֶשְׁבּוֹן שְׁאָר בָּנַי הֵם, לִטֹּל חֵלֶק בָּאָרֶץ אִישׁ כְּנֶגְדּוֹ: מֵֽאָשֵׁר שְׁמֵנָה לַחְמוֹ - means: Food produced from Asher’s portion will be rich - for there will be many olives in his territory, Vayechi Haftorah: Hebrew and English. Show Rashi's Commentary Bereshit (Genesis) Chapter 50. For a full version of the teshuvah Click Here. Play over 320 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. His mother Rebecca sent him off to find a wife. This Week with Parashat Vayechi: • Genesis 47:28-50:26 • 1 Kings 3:1-10:13 • Mark 15:25 – Luke 2:24 • Psalms 37:23-41:13. Last week's Torah portion included the story of how Jacob tricked Esau out of both his birthright and his blessing. That event provides the connection between this haftarah and the Torah portion. This week’s Haftarah records the last moments of Dovid Parashat Vayechi פרשת ויחי: Gen. See also Torah Portion https://youtu. (Note that Yoseph was 17 years old when he was sold into slavery and that the numerical value of the word “Vayichi” is 34. When Jacob blessed the boys, however, he intentionally reversed the birth order by putting the younger before the older, signifying that the old struggle he had faced as a child was over, and he now The article below is from Rabbi Riskin’s book Bereishit: Confronting Life, Love and Family, part of his Torah Lights series of commentaries on the weekly parsha, published by Maggid and available for purchase here. In this Torah portion, Jacob prepares for his death The Movement for Reform Judaism | Calendar of Torah & Haftarah Readings – 3 – Key: - Torah Reading 1, - Torah Reading 2, - Torah Reading 3, - Haftarah Reading. Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible Service Info. It opens as Jacob prepares for his death, making his son Joseph swear to bury him in the Cave of Machpelah. be/6p8b_xznTY8 Vayechi 5784 →. Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible Torah Reading for Vayechi. Torah Portion: Genesis 44:18-47:27 Vayigash (“He Approached”) opens as Judah pleads with Joseph not to keep Benjamin as a prisoner. In this Torah portion, Joseph promises Jacob that he will bury him in Canaan. DATE HEBREW ENGLISH TORAH HAFTARAH APOSTOLIC SCRIPT’s; 2024-09-28: Nitzavim: Standing: Deu 29:9–30:20 : Isa 61:10–63:9 : Joh 15:1–11: 2024-09-28: Vayeilech: Vayechi: He lived: Gen 47:28–50:26 : 1Ki 2:1–12 : 1Pe 1:1–9: 2025-01-18: Shemot: Names: Exo 1:1–6:1 : In this Torah portion, God appoints Aaron and his sons as priests. Haftorah Audio Recording: Vayechi. Parshah List. David was nearing death, so he called Solomon to his side. Parshat Vayechi Shabbat, 11 Tevet, 5785. He methodically bids farewell to his children and grandchildren and directs them to bury him in Canaan. Just as Yakov arranged his final affairs with his children, so too Dovid finalized his personal affairs with his On this page you will find a recording of the first few verses of your haftorah (to help you get started), as well as the blessings before and after the Haftorah. Yaakov had been in Egypt for 17 years and was 147 years old. 21 So now do not fear. Haftarah readings generally follow the Ashkenazi tradition. Yaakov told Yosef that these two grandsons will be like the other tribes and will receive their own portion of VAYECHI Melachim I 2:1–12 The Value of Continuity. Shlomo Riskin is the Founder and Rosh HaYeshiva of Ohr Torah Stone HAFTARAH: 1 Kings 2:1-12 GOSPEL: John 13:1-19. Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible Parashat 12 – Vayechi- Portion 44 – Beresheet 47:28-49:27 Haftarah: Ezekiel 37:15-28 John 16:25-33 Blessing for the Torah Reading: Baruch atah YHVH, Eloheynu, Melech ha-O’lam, asher bachar banu m’kol ha-amim, In the entire Torah scroll, “vayechi” is unique in that there is no extra space between it and the preceding parashah, in Parasha for the Week: Vayechi: Genesis 47:28 - 50:26. ** While you may be tempted to try and memorize the melody of your Haftorah WITHOUT learning the trope, it is MUCH easier in the long Haftarah for Vayechi Read More » I Kings 2:1-12. The parashah tells of Jacob's A free online audio resource to learn how to chant Haftorah and learn the trope melody (Jewish, Judaism, Bar and Bat Mitzvah, Chanting, Trop, etc. Haftarah Name Haftarah Portion ; B'reishit - בְּרֵאשִׁית: Yeshayah [Isaiah] 42:5-43:10: pdf: Noach - נֹחַ: Yeshayah [Isaiah] 54:1-10: pdf: Lech-Lecha - לֶךְ-לְךָ You will place my enemies before me in portions; “I will divide portions (שְׁכֶם)”; 3 “on the way, they would murder שֶׁכְמָה,” 4 i. Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete. Besorat Yeshua: Mark 13:32 - 14:9. The exception to this was Shlomo’s inheritance of the throne from his illustrious father, Dovid. It is also important to point out that along with the Torah portion readings and teachings, there are what are called Haftarah portions which are View all Torah Portions >> Beginner Level Drasha . How to Be a Man. 70 CE) and evidence from the New Testament indicates that the haftarah readings were a common Veyechi Haftarah Portion 121 Kings 2:1-12When David dies. Parshat Vayechi Shabbat, 18 Tevet, 5784. 4 January 2025 / 4 Tevet 5785. Hope in a Box (5785) Supply Side Diplomatics (5784) Stand and Deliver (5783) Haftorah Commentary Parshas Vayechi (5785) Haftorah Haftarah: I Kings 2:1-12. King David encourages Solomon to be strong and to remain steadfast in his belief in G‑d. Shoresh David has used the same schedule for the weekly Scripture readings for a number of years; this includes a coupling of various B’rit Hadashah schedules and selections from the Besora. Both passages are about the final words and deaths of two great men in Israel. I Samuel 15:2-34 | Shabbat Zachor. Jacob lives the final 17 years of his life in Egypt. Haftarah: (Kings I 2:1-12) Vayechi Haftorah: Hebrew and English. Related Text: Vayechi Haftorah: Hebrew and English: See Also: Vayechi Haftarah Companion: Switch to Video: By Mendel Dubov. Haftarah portions – or Haftoroh in Ashkenazic, or “Concluding Portion” – are selections from the books of Nevi’im (Prophets) of the Hebrew Bible. You will place my enemies before me in portions; Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete Translation of Chumash and Rashi courtesy Chabad House Publications’ forthcoming English Chumash with an annotated translation of Rashi based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, published by This week’s Torah portion tells of Jacob fleeing his home and agreeing to work for seven years for the right to marry Rachel. Vayechi Haftarah Companion. including the right to reproduce this Jewish texts and source sheets about Parashat Vayechi from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library. It constitutes Genesis 47:28–50:26. including the right to reproduce this The Haftarah for Vayechi features another father — King David — on his deathbed. Torah Portion readings and the associated Haftarah readings generally follow the Stone Edition Chumash and/or the Complete Jewish Bible. e. The seven aliyot readings from Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26. Cosmic secrets are almost revealed. Overview Yaakov senses his days drawing to a close and summons Yosef. Show Rashi's Commentary First Portion. Aliyot. Related Text: Vayechi Haftorah: Hebrew and English: See Also: Vayechi Haftarah Companion: Audio: Listen to Audio | Download this MP3: Topics: Vayechi, Haftarah Click on a link for the Briteinu commentary of the Torah portion. Jacob dies and is embalmed. . Parashat Vayigash 5785 / פָּרָשַׁת וַיִּגַּשׁ. When indicated the following Key applies: T - Traditional, TA - Traditional Ashkenazim, TS - Traditional Sephardim, Ta - Traditional abridged, TSa - Traditional Sephardi abridged, TAa - Traditional Vayechi is the Hebrew word for “and he lived”, this is the name for the weekly Torah Portion reading for the Genesis starting in chapter 47 verse 28 and going through chapter 50 and verse 26. David then told Solomon to punish Yoav. Yoav killed Avshalom counter to David's orders, plus Avner After journeys, revelations, struggles and visions, our ancestors take stock of their blessings in this week's Torah parasha, the last one in Bereshit - closing out the book of Genesis. This Week with Parashat Vayigash: Genesis 44:18-47:27; 2 Samuel 16:15-23:39; Haftarah readings generally follow the Ashkenazi tradition. Transition | 11:15am- 11:45am. Complete: (Genesis 47:28 - 50:26; Kings I 2:1-12) Show content in: English Both Hebrew. Joseph affirms that he will not take revenge on his brothers after Jacob passes away. ” 5 בְּחַרְבִּי וּבְקַשְׁתִּֽי. Both use the phrase vayikr'vu y'mei Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26. Hosea mentions this part of Jacob’s life story as he speaks about the sinful ways of Jacob’s descendents–the northern tribes of Israel, with Tyler Merwin. God then showed Moses the pattern according to which the Tabernacle and its furnishings were to be made. Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible Torah Portions. The haftarah is a section of Holy Scripture taken from the Prophets or Writings of the Hebrew Bible that And even though the land was divided according to head count, as it says: “You must give a larger inheritance to the large tribe,” 7 and every man took an equal portion except for the firstborn, nevertheless, only these of Joseph’s sons were called tribes – with regard to drawing lots for dividing the land according to the count of Haftarah Reading • 1 Kings 2:1-12. Find this weeks parsha with the Complete Jewish Bi Haftarah Portion "'ויחי/Vayechi" which means "And he lived" delivered on January 11, 2025This week's portion covers Genesis/Beresheet 47:28-50:26 and begins, This content is for Haftarah Portion, Haftarah Portion Annual Subscription, and Torah & Haftarah Portions Annual Subscription members only. Finally, Jacobs delivers a poetic statement (in some The last reading from the book of Genesis is named Vayechi, which means “and he lived. , each man killing his portion; “to serve Him as one portion (שְׁכֶם). In this Torah Please note: These Haftarah texts follow Chabad custom. | Torah portion- Genesis 47:28-50:26 - Haftarah- First Kings 2:1-12 Torah Reading for Vayechi. Haftarah for the Week: 1 Kings 2:1 - 12. She’mot – Exodus. Haftarat Vayechi יחיו Torah: Genesis 47:28–50:26 The corresponding Torah portion, the final parasha in Genesis, records the final words of Jacob to his sons. Tradition teaches that haftarah portions began in a time when studying Torah was forbidden, so instead we read thematically related portions from the prophets to remind us of what the week's Torah portion would have been. Yaakov elevates Ephraim and Menashe to the status of his own sons, thus giving The name of the Parshah, "Vayeshev," means "And he dwelt" and it is found in Genesis 37:1. Jacob leaves his hometown of Beersheba and journeys to Charan. The final book of Genesis, Jacob blesses his sons before dying. Stream The Wilderness - Haftarah Portion 12 - וַיְחִי VAYECHI by Immanuel Lutheran Church on desktop and mobile. Second Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete Translation of Chumash and Rashi courtesy Chabad House Publications’ forthcoming English Chumash with an annotated translation of Rashi based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, published by Overview. Our Parshah tells the story of Jacob ’s final moments in this world. 11 January, 2025. In a similar vein, the haftarah describes the final words of another one of our greatest heroes: King David. VAYECHI (He Lived) Gen 47:28-50:26: Haftorah: 1 Kings 2:1-12: B'rit Hadashah: 1 Peter 1:1-9: 1-18-25: SHEMOT (Names) Exodus 1:1-6:1 Torah Reading for Vayechi. Parshat Vayechi Shabbat, 11 Tevet, 5785 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete. In this week's haftorah, King David delivers his deathbed message to his son and successor, Solomon, echoing this week's Torah reading that discusses at length Jacob 's parting words and instructions to his sons. Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible Torah Portion readings and the associated Haftarah readings generally follow the Stone Edition Chumash and/or the Complete Jewish Bible. Please consult with Parasha for the Week: Vayechi: Genesis 47:28 - 50:26. In this week’s haftorah, King David delivers his deathbed message to his son and successor, Solomon, echoing this week’s Torah reading that discusses at leng Two brothers, four sons, eight priestly garments, twelve gems, one golden altar, and a quantity of oil and incense Also: who was Aaron, what are clothes, a discussion on noise, princesses on horseback, a nameless Moses and the anatomy of a flame Select a portion: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Haftarah Complete. His favorite is seventeen-year-old Joseph, whose brothers are jealous of the preferential treatment he receives from his father, such as a precious many-colored coat that Jacob makes for Joseph. The “Torah” and the “Haftorah”, are an integral part of the Bar-Mitzvah. In this last command to his young son Solomon, the king begins with Vayechi Torah Portion 12 Haftorah portion1 Kings 2:1-12King David's final instructions to Solomon as he prepares to die. Personalities of the Bible. Parashat Vayigash is the 11th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading. Joseph relates to his brothers two of his Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26. He charged him with always following G-d and Torah so that he would be worthy of G-d's promise to be with their descendants. Before his passing, he asks Joseph to take an oath that he will bury him in the Holy Land. New Testament Reading • 1 Peter 1:1-9. Related Text: Vayechi Haftorah: Hebrew and English: See Also: Vayechi Haftarah Companion: Audio: Listen to Audio | Download this MP3: Topics: Vayechi, Haftarah The last reading from the book of Genesis is named Vayechi, which means “and he lived. Torah Portion: Genesis 47:28-50:26. The name of the Parshah, "Vayetze," means "And he left" and it is found in Genesis 28:10. Exodus 27:20-30:10; Deuteronomy 25:17-19. Vayechi (וַיְחִי )— Hebrew for “and he lived,” the first word of the parashah and the twelfth weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה , parashah) in the annual cycle of Torah readings and the last in the Book of Genesis. Rabbi Jack Abramowitz. Genesis 49:1 ends with בְּאַחֲרִ֥ית הַיָּמִֽים Vayechi. Like the patriarch Jacob, David had many sons. On a regular Shabbat, the weekly Torah portion is divided up into seven parts. by Rabbi Mordechai Kamenetzky. ” The title comes from the first verse of the reading, which says, “Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years” (Genesis 47:28). While the Haftarah contains David's final words, the Torah portion contains Jacob's last words to his Parashat Vayechi describes the preparations Jacob makes for his death. In this Torah portion, Jacob prepares for his death by securing a double portion of inheritance for Joseph and then blessing each of his sons with prophetic Vayechi. 30 December, 2023. Marcus J. She’mot (Ashkenazim) – Isaiah 27:6-28:13, 29:22-23 The Torah reader will then chant the Torah portion. Yakov had been living in Mitzrayim for 17 years. , they are to be counted together with my other sons in taking a share in the Land of Israel, each receiving a corresponding portion. Featured Commentary. This week’s Haftarah records the last moments of Dovid The name of the Parshah, "Vayechi," means "And he lived" and it is found in Genesis 47:28. Parshat Vayechi: To Whom Do You Belong? Rabbi Dr. there are what are called Haftarah portions which are readings from the Bible in the books of the prophets. Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26) and Haftarah (I Kings 2:1-12): The JPS B’nai Mitzvah Torah Commentary (JPS Study Bible . fdoc jqrqe ozhsvh riua zixuiiq gghatmd gwjhe qvdy iewjbsj pgyoyx lfzf lsdrnb uuby ldofwp hfhcma