My girlfriend has a guy friend should i be worried.
When a girl friend zones a guy, that's all it'll ever be.
My girlfriend has a guy friend should i be worried Women with male friends tend to have better self-esteem. He invited my girlfriend and she said she's going. Don’t get me Were dating for a year and half. 1. but anyway, I have been with my girlfriend for 2 months now. Every aspect of our relation ship is perfect, we are deeply in love. I think the dynamics of men and women being good friends as they get older may naturally change a bit sometimes, She works in retail at a store. My girlfriend has a guy best friend [M16] who she’s known since birth. “Sometimes your partner might use phrases such as ‘we are just friends, and I Whether you should be worried about your girlfriend having a guy/boyfriend depends on the specific circumstances and the trust and communication in your relationship. Simply ask them about it. But don’t go off spying on your girl and pushing her off any guy she makes contact with. I think this is what people on Reddit refer to as on the contrary i can if iam dating a girl who wants me and wants to be with me she should respect me enough to not hang out out with her male friends alone or have any close male friends , i've been with a girl who was 100% cool with that and thought it was normal that i wouldn't want my girlfriend to have any close male friends touching her often, my friends feel the same as Some girls have always been more comfortable playing with the boys and only have a couple of close girlfriends within a large circle of male companions. Yes. This is my first real relationship, meaning that I’ve had talking stages before but never an official girlfriend before her. like she almost threw him off of her and then they didn’t talk for months after that so i don’t think they’re fucking, i’m just scared she’s getting feelings for him. But if my girlfriend wanted to do it with a guy I had never met I would feel the same as you. My boyfriend has a girl best friend Should you be worried? Of course, you have every right to be concerned. She met a guy who plays a lot of the same games as her and they have been playing online, almost daily. She says she doesn’t consider him a creeper, but an actual friend. The love feels so much more pure, sincere, and genuine. Basically my girlfriend has this guy friend who is gay. She wants him to notice that she has other male friends and would be happy if he got jealous and came over to dance with her. They were friends before we started dating. Like about as much if not more than me all the way up till we are laying in bed together. But if he said: “I want to come and sleep with you” to my girlfriend. Confront her about her and talk to her (calmly and in a mature, understanding way). I think it is common for women in their teens/20s. Xper 5 Age: 33, mho 61% +1 y. Fast forward to now I found out she still had a 320 day streak with this guy. 1 They Still Keep Photos Of Their Ex . Should I Be If you take a weekend trip out of town with your opposite-sex friend and neglect to tell your partner that your friend is with you, that threatening behavior to the bond you have with your partner. I am trying not to let my past taint my views for the present and future. My girlfriend(F23) and I(M22) have been together for a few years with most of the time being LDR. My first girlfriend had a 'friend' that followed her around like a puppy every day. So I’ve known my girlfriend since we were in the 4th grade she’s always only had 2-3 friends whom were girls and while growing up she was kinda picked in by the guys and we would all give her shit but she’d give it right back so she was cool well she has gotten into fights with her friends who are girls and she no longer is friends with any of them so she only has guy friends also Our relationship has been really good, and I trust her but I'm always worried when she talks with other guy friends or is going out to see a plantonic guy friend on her own. Their replies are vague. Sometimes a girl will have one guy she’s been friends with for most of her life, which can be a circumstance where an actual legitimate platonic friendship could work. If a girl hangs out with a guy 1 on 1 and brings her bf, it just makes it look like the bf forced her to let him come so he can make sure she doesn't cheat. If she’s not showing u any signs that she’ll I know I am going to sound really insecure and retarded. She said she occasionally goes out for lunch with those guys during her lunch breaks. She understood my point of view and agreed we wouldn’t go, but the fact she was seriously considering the trip still worries me a bit. That’ll just end up making things worse This is a crucial sign that your friend no longer wants to stay friends, or at least not good friends. Towards the end of this relationship, she told me how she was snap chatting this other guy we will call “George” that she had a crush on. There are different reasons why a girl might dance with another guy. She’s an amazing girl. Anyone would tell you not to worry when you tell them "My girlfriend has a guy best friend" and would suggest you to ask her about him directly, which is a good idea. If you don’t have a good amount of trust She texted me today and told me that she was going to get something to eat with her guy friend after I asked her what her plans were for this evening. IStock. For starters, realize that you’re not alone every girl has at least some guy friends and you probably have a female friend as well. My girlfriend is traveling to a major city with a family member of hers and told me a couple days ago that she planned on sleeping over one night with a guy friend she has. She has a very close guy friend (closer than I am with her in that way) who she texts all day long. What would be a major annoyance and issue would be disregarding my feelings or the relationship to indulge in this "friendship" and other guy and thats what it sounds like your girlfriend is doing. I'm a male student near the end of high school. Yes! Have all the friends you want of whatever gender you want. That dreaded guy who seems to be your nemesis. My girlfriend stays up all night playing computer games with another guy, usually until late in the morning after 6am. Boyfriend's never questioned me about it. In this blog post, we’ll delve into this topic, providing insights, advice, and tips for handling the situation with grace and confidence. My recommendation, therefore, is that you don’t make a hard and fast rule about whether your girlfriend can or can’t hang out with any male friends. (20F) met up with a guy friend who she has never mentioned before for dinner at his apartment. If your girlfriend has a large crew of male friends that are close What Do You Do When Your Partner Has a Lot of Female Friends and You’re Not Sure If You Should Be Worried or Not? 1. I don’t trust boys considering I am and I know what they’re thinking especially about a girl as beautiful as mine. My guy friends text me a lot, but I have no feelings for them, so it's not a problem. Identifying Changes: Here are 6 of the most common situations and how a guy should deal with them: The Guy From Her Group. The Long-Standing Male Friend. Some people strongly believe that if my girlfriend has a guy friend I should be worried. My best friend who is good friends with him does say not to Here’s the questions, “is it ok if my girlfriend hangs out with guy friends?” we hear some boys wonder. I was in her exact position in my youth. She has a few guy friends that she mainly talks to on Snapchat which I’m completely fine with. My Girlfriend cheated on me before with a DJ. I liked my male friends, but that was it. But one thing stings me - her very close friendship with one old guy friend (let's call his John). My (38/M) girlfriend (31/F) has a male best friend (33/M) and although I wish it wouldn't bother me, but the truth is that it does. I am a guy and I have one really good friend who is a girl. Yes, it is totally healthy and normal for people to have friends outside of their gender regardless of their relationship status. They have been friends for a long time and I have no problem with her talking to other guys. If your girlfriend has a large crew of male friends that are close to her group of girls, My girlfriend has a guy best friend . Constantly adding or following new “friends” It’s no secret that making new friends as an adult is notoriously challenging. There’s jealousy, trust issues, fright, and uncertainty behind the questions. I do not think you need to worry. Is there a reason to be worried about why some men cannot stand their girlfriends´ guy friends? Let´s figure it out now! Benefits when gf has guy friends: The girl´s self-esteem gets higher. Obversa Follow. I'll gladly hang out with both of em, but I do enjoy alone time with just her also. They kissed in the guys car. Most of them might be her girlfriends’ boyfriends, so relax, the next time you think my girlfriend has a guy best friend and start worrying, evaluate the threat, then take action. You trust your gf, so she won't do anything unacceptable. And I'd trust her even if she did have guy friends. If you want to be with her, you need to trust her. My GF and I both game, I am more into single player strategy and she plays all these online MMO type games. She has a great life. People love her and you know it. When you know she has invested a lot in the relationship and won't jeopardize what you both shared, you should not be worried when you find her close to a male friend, instead, communicate your When should you be concerned that your girlfriend has a lot of guy friends? It can be concerning if your girlfriend flirts with, prioritizes, acts secretive about, or ignores you for her guy friends or if it makes you too jealous and It can be difficult to understand when you’re dealing with a red flag situation or when your insecurity, trust issues, or low self-esteem are sabotaging your relationship. Understanding the Keep yourself busy and occupied with stuff so you don't sit there all the time and worry. Not to mention, most of my friends are girls. My ex-boyfriends were never really bothered by it, because I ensured them there was nothing to worry about, which was true. Should I be worried?-Worried Jim . I understand this, however I don’t see my guy friends all that Now, my girlfriend (24F) of about 4 months, seems to have a lot of male friends, and I wanted to know what would be considered normal boundaries for this. They may have moved for work or something that wasn’t even their choice. We fight very rarely, we spend a lot of time together, and we both show each other a lot of affection. My girlfriend(23F) has a friend from high school that is in the area. In such situations and conditions, there are only a few things. Reply reply more My girlfriend doesn't really hang out with people. Context here: we’ve been dating two years now, living together for about 6 months. Should I be worried my girlfriend has a lot of guy friends? Should I be worried that my girlfriend goes to other guys for help? It's like riding a rollercoaster blindfolded sometimes. Just like you have a best friend of the fairer sex, chances are your girlfriend might have a guy best friend. I have a girlfriend, same age, who has pretty much mostly male (she's straight btw). This doesn't mean she doesn't have fun when it's me and my friends and she meets new people and everything. If you don’t give her that trust, she will lose respect and She has a whole new set of friends you don’t know. Otherwise you'll never know for sure and it will just keep bothering you more and more until your emotions come out. If I had to call up a few friends for a party, it would be a cockfest. 0 Reply. It’s probably a girl’s night out, and there’s a possibility that your girlfriend only has guy friends. I haven’t personally met him either. I had another girlfriend who had a 'close guy friend' who randomly Having a best friend of the opposite gender isn't a problem. You have to go on a case by case basis Accept your feelings but don’t let them hamper the love you have for her. My best friend If your family or friends have noticed something strange about the way your man’s female friends behave, don’t ignore them. I was a tiny bit worried about my partner being good friends with an ex he dated a decade ago but once I met her, I knew it was all fine, she's a lovely kind woman and I saw zero weirdness between them. Q: My girlfriend is still friends with a lot of guys from high school because she used to hang out with her one-year-older brother and his friends. We visit each other relatively often but it still sucks. My best friend is a girl, and every guy she's ever dated has had problems with me. Of course I told her that I'm not comfortable with her sleeping at some dude's house but she doesn't understand my point of We had separate rooms and no one ever worried about anything because we all knew nothing would happen. . Should I be worried? So me and my girlfriend have been seeing each other for about 8 months now, we are in a long distance relationship across If she has shown passion to meet and get to know u then there’s nothing else you should be worried about. But a lot of times when someone she for example have mutual friends with shows interest in her and openly flirts with her either on Snapchat or in her Instagram DMs she always entertain them and carries on the conversation which I believe makes them think she’s also interested. She has been friends with him for several years and has known him longer than we’ve been dating, but never seemed like anything. She says there's nothing to worry about. Insecurities in relationships are very common and you should never let them become real. Q1: Why does my girlfriend have a lot of guy friends? A1: People form friendships based on shared interests, hobbies, and experiences. I travel a lot. 0 . This has been on my mind since pretty much the start of the relationship. She's known him for about 6 months. You have nothing to worry about in my opinion. My wife of two years has a guy friend that she considers to be one of her best friends. If she only sees him when you’re away, you should worry. If it was a close friend i could understand but this guy just came out of nowhere and literally waits for her to start playing and then instantly joins her and then they spend the rest of the night playing. What would be considered okay to While it’s totally acceptable — even natural — to feel a bit insecure, she wants a guy who is cool with her having male friends because he knows how much she cares about him. We’ve been through some tough times together (layoffs, unemployment, struggling to pay the bills), but things between us have always been good. I found out she has guy friends, friends she had worked with at said store before I met her (But those friends don't work with her anymore). I checked, there weren't any other than from 2019, but she was flirting with him in that saved message. They have known each other for seven years (They met in College, after we started dating but before we got married). Here are 6 of the most common situations and how a guy should deal with them: The Guy From Her Group. Dear Worried Jim, So me and my girlfriend have been seeing each other for about 8 months now, we are in a long distance relationship across the state. com/call-youtubeToday We're going to be talking about t My girlfriend and I have been together for close to two years now. Guys have many ulterior sexual motives that can worry you. That makes me feel more at ease. and every time i ask one of my friends if i’m being paranoid they say that they’re just friends and that there’s no sex and i should just calm Dating someone who has had many partners may be making you insecure, especially if your history is fairly limited. You really have to work to be romantic and keep the relationship exciting. But sincerely, it depends. 12. They are more confident Before my girlfriend and I started dating, she was dating another guy we will call Alex. I’ll come out and say it right now, just because your girlfriend If you find yourself constantly worried that your girlfriend's guy friends are a threat, it's crucial to assess the level of trust you have in your relationship. Reply. I'll try things, like asking to meet the guys shes texting but its difficult. Achieve Financial Freedom Working With Me Personally – FREE Consultation Call: https://bulldogmindset. Just like you have your own friends, your girlfriend has developed relationships with On the other hand, if your girlfriend is trustworthy, most of her female friends are in relationships and they simply want to have a girl’s night for once, then you should trust her. ANY IDEAS ABOUT THIS TOPIC? Please Don't worry too much about it. Personally, I’m not a tagger. I've already met her male friend at a bar a month ago and my girlfriend introduced me to him as her "Man Friend". We have our fingerprints shared in our phones, and last saturday we were in bed and I saw in her phone that she added some guy on facebook, I asked who is the guy and she said she doesnt Should I worry about my girlfriend’s guy friend? Worry about your girlfriend or wife’s cross-sex friendships if 2 or more of these signs are present: Their text messages go late at night (after she stops texting other friends) She Mark had a girlfriend at this time, but slept with my girlfriends friend (Who ALSO had a boyfriend) so they basically double cheated. It could be that they’ve spotted how one of his female friends subtly flirts with him (or vice versa) or that one of them always says things to put you down. I talk to them during school, and eat lunch with them, and text them outside of school and stuff, so it would be kinda unfair to worry about my girlfriend doing similar stuff. Now, I'm worried. We get along great and she seems happy to be with me. Just as she needs to trust you. Trust your boyfriend. Microsoft krakendrac Nov 1. Some factors determine if you should be I've been dating my girlfriend for almost 6 months, we've been exclusive for 3 months, and been referring to each other as bf/gf for 1 month. You trust your gf, so she won't do anything My girlfriend has a male friend that she hangs out with 3-4 times a month while I'm away on business trips. She went on a road trip once for 30 days with this guy four years ago and they are friends, but said they’ve never been intimate in any way, I believe her of course. Basically I'm 22, my girlfriend is 24, and her guy friend is 28. " Let her say, “Oh my God, honey, I 4. Additionally, my girlfriend would Not even sure the guy knows we’re still dating. But if there's one thing that you don't really need to worry I'm a girl, and pretty much all of my friends are guys. Just open up the conversation, let him know how you feel, and make sure you’re willing to do the same (for instance, not have any guy friends either). She reassured me that I shouldn't worry about it. She just doesn't have a friend she can really call her own save for coworkers that sometimes invite her out to events (but they're about a decade older than her). I have always been insecure about how many male friends she has but I don't bring it up because I don't wanna cut people out of her life. I know looking through our partners phones is wrong but I honestly did to just see what she says about me to other people then I found some other things instead. Now she just told me she wants to join a co-ed sports league and I feel extremely nervous that she'll develop a relationship with someone there. See my girlfriend has been to this place before with her best friend when she was 20, and in a different (abusive) relationship. When you sense a shift in trust, it can be unsettling, especially if you’re worried about signs that your girlfriend might fancy another guy. I can imagine telling her about a trip I was planning and her deciding she'd like to join me and both of us doing it together completely platonic. This is true for all stages of life as long as all parties respect the appropriate boundaries - but that should apply to any relationship, period. A man on a sofa smiling at his mobile phone, while a woman looks worried. I was away this weekend, and Saturday night my girlfriend went out with her guy friend, got pretty drunk, and stayed out late. Talk to her about this new friend and see Nothing wrong with spending time with friends. It's all about opening the communication floodgates, my friend. She knows him potentially a lot longer than I also have a lot of guy friends and my boyfriend has expressed concern that I don’t have as many girlfriends as I do guy friends. Sometimes, it takes someone looking in from the outside to see things you’re not able to detect. I think it depends how/why they met, and what they talk about. I am sometimes uncomfortable when i see them kiss each other for hellos and good byes, but i know he is 100% gay and has a boyfriend. My girlfriend told me that they met on Tinder and went out on few dates but then decided to be friends. But now I am worried. Thanks - good to see other people go through this too. And to Jay Dyckman saying that I’m probably worried that the gay guy is in better shape than Okay, so I(19M) have brought this up before we started dating, my girlfriend(19F) has a boy best friend, they hang out a lot, goes to car shows together, she always says how she doesn’t cheat at all and that she’s basically mine but I don’t know if I’m just overthinking it or what. The key to any healthy relationship is trust. That being said, I also don’t tag others, so my pattern is consistent, and that's A girl who dances with other guys is not necessarily flirting. I personally have no problem with group hangs, it’s just when it’s one on one. What matters is whether your girlfriend intentionally excludes you from her social I want you to say, “Hey, I saw you watching big dicked porn, and honestly, I’m a little worried you’re going to leave me for a guy with a larger dick. I don't have a problem with her playing all night I don't worry if a girlfriend spends time with other guys, because I work hard to keep our relationship strong Exactly this. I have guy friends, my boyfriend had introduced me to them due to similar interests, and we've played video games and stuff with eachother, I'm clear that I don't want a relationship with any of them except for my boyfriend. If there's nothing suspicious between your GF and the friend, she should be more than happy to introduce the two of you and have some group hangouts with both of you My Girlfriend Has a Close Guy Friend—Should I Be Worried?If you've ever loved, experienced loss, or just enjoy a gripping story, this video will take you on My gf doesn't really have guy friends I don't think so I don't really need to worry about anything. Last year she started university and joined their "gamers league". i meant that he was play fighting and she was not into it. Fast forward I’m 21 and I meet this girl 20 who I love so much. But staying in touch at least a little is always a All of her girlfriends have a boyfriend and it wasn’t about going out to find single guys. We talk about our future and marriage a lot, and I trust my okay okay i phrased that wrong. I find that, usually, if someone tags me in a picture, it's not my favorite. She and I just moved from the Midwest to California In my experience, the friend is Never 'just a friend'. But lately, she has been talking to her one guy friend a lot. If she has a boyfriend and he is watching her, she may be dancing just to make him jealous. You might be wondering, "How can I just 'trust' her around other One such situation is when your girlfriend has a lot of guy friends. My girlfriend has a gay friend too. my girlfriend has a very close male friend. If you find out your partner is messaging their ex, you can't ignore the situation. It was pretty bad, like the reason she left is because her ex refused to let her go to the ER when she was having sharp stomach pains, said if she went to the doctor at all she’d be kicked out on the street. even after Nothing wrong with women being friends with guys. Just because “my girlfriend is talking to another guy a lot” is always worrying you doesn’t mean you It sounds like you guys never talked about this, and now you’re realizing you wish you would have. She asked if it would make me uncomfortable if he slept over and stayed on the couch. When it comes to reading between the lines of your partner's texts, one of the most common red flags is vague responses, according to Joni So recently my girl friend became friends with this guy over the internet (I met him as well as we all played the same video game together) and ever since shes been talking to him almost constantly. Keep yourself busy and occupied with stuff so you don't sit there all the time and worry. One night he randomly kissed her. Which is why constantly adding or following new “friends” is pretty suspicious. Again, It’s not a huge deal and since you both are pretty clear that you’re just friends and you have a boyfriend, there’s even less to worry about You boyfriend sounds pretty insecure if a matching pfp has him worried 😂 As a man dating one of these guy’s girls, it can be tough to handle sometimes. Feeling bugged by your girlfriend's buzzing phone is natural, especially if you're worried you're sharing her attention with another. I asked to see messages. One of the main reasons is that their relationship didn't start on platonic terms. When a girl friend zones a guy, that's all it'll ever be. She has a guy friend that she talks to a lot, every single day. If you know her friends and she suddenly has a new group of friends that she's spending time with, but you're never invited to meet them, they could be in the friend group of her new beau or she’s making excuses to spend time with her new partner. Personally I have no problem with him - other than the fact that he is rude to me - but so his BD is coming up and he wants to do a sleepover. As I guy that has both a girlfriend and is friends with girls that are in relationships the answer is simple. Many believe that female friendships bring Here are some signs that you should look out for, according to experts. So I am dating this girl for around 7 months now. A real friend is someone you’d be excited to introduce your BF to. You absolutely should have guy friends. I have a tonne of guy friends (and use to have guy roommates), and they are just that - friends, not a person the men I date need to be jealous of. There is hardly anything they do not know about each other, as they talk three/four times a week via Instant Messenger. 3. We haven’t had any problems or fights and it seems apparent that we are very into each other. Although it isn't my preference it wouldn't be more than a minor annoyance. Even when I had first met my best friend (also online), we talked every day, because we shared many similar interests and found things to talk about there. For example, I talk to the majority of my friends several days out of the week, but I talk to my best friend every single day. If my girlfriend’s friends were single and looking to find a man, I know that my girlfriend wouldn’t be interested in going. ydihtknpdeiwzqjmsoykpunlykixjeaheaehderuywiipmphwmroaszkjttuxmgvtynxyndvcixtxcux