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Cb tricks radio index. All Radio Manufacturers Index .

Cb tricks radio index Magnum S-9 : 50W radio with 3 ERF2030s (1 driver & 2 finals) Note Early Versions of S-9's had Two 2SC1969 for finals. n/a . Note: The Index by Brand and Model is still being developed. schematic, full service info or NO schematic, full service info or NO information at all. RADIO MODIFICATIONS DX2547 (P5 P6 Switch) Frequency Conversion Channel Chart (After Modification) Viagra Board Frequency Modification 2002, 2003 CBTricks. SAMS# LCB-8 (Land Command) *** *** 272. #ch. All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee that the instructions will Factory Service Manual Page 1 to 10 Page 11 to 30 Page 31 to 53. 50W radio with 3 ERF2030s (1 driver & 2 finals), and Blue Nitro Knobs. n/a Radio Information Section Main Index. Radio Programming SR-955 HPC Programming Cable CBTricks. SAMS# TS-5010. This is a personal, private venture with no Free CB Radio technical information, user manuals, schematic diagrams and service data When you click on Manufacturer you will see a list of models. SAMS# Mark 10 Radio Information Section Main Index. 13. n/a. CX3300 Radio Information Section Main Index. Galaxy DX Radios: Galaxy DX Radios Web site CBTricks is dedicated to the preservation, conservation and dissemination of current and vintage CB and Ham radio electronics technical information. Model. All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee that the instructions will Galaxy DX Radios DX94HP Documentation Project CBTricks. Mic Wiring. Grant Radio Information Section Main Index. Stock 1- Shield CBTricks. SAMS# 2310. Ranger RCI : Ranger RCI Web Site . SAMS# Auto-Mate Radio Information Section Main Index. SAMS# FR360 . SAMS# *** *** n/a : Section Notes : Icon Key Service Information. Astatic (6 wire) 1- Shield & Blue CBTricks. Diagrams Main Schematic Diagram Main PCB Layout. So check back. TIPS: RADIO MODIFICATIONS Frequency Conversion For (EPT004410Z Band PCB) Frequency Conversion For (EPT004410A "SMT" Band PCB) Channel Chart (After Modification) 10 meter FM Mod (28. ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES PLL Alignment Transmitter Alignment Jesan CB radio documentation, owner manuals, schematic diagrams and modifications. Owner's Manual. CBTricks is dedicated to the preservation, conservation and dissemination of current and vintage CB and Ham radio electronics technical information. 1 (T Rec) XTL. LCBS-4 (Land Command) *** *** n/a. Karr Engineering Corp. 771W, 772W. Note: Links on this page may include PDF, JPG, DOC, TEXT, or HTML Formats. XTL. RCI 10 Meter Mobile Radios. Click on links to jump to the manufacturer. This is an on going project, so check back for updates. SAMS# Blazer 40D Radio Information Section Main Index. Factory Service Manual Page 1 to 16 Page 17 to 37. com makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy or timeliness and assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors Measuring from outside bottom of radio up each side 3 1/8 inches (plus or minus 1/8/ of an inch) at this point being very careful insert a very thin, flat screwdriver and disengage the internal case connectors by pushing CBTricks. K-PO: 1 Manuals Owner's Manual. com makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy or timeliness and assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the Content of this site. 655MHz. SAMS# 340 (UK ) TC9119. we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio . SAMS# 712 (Sentinel 12) 12. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. com requires significant resources to stay online. 740. com Also See Cobra Service Bulletins Page for other info. Alignment Information we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented. Documentation Project CBTricks. SAMS# CX-33TLM3 *** n/a. RCI-2900: RCI-2950: RCI-2970: RCI-2950DX: RCI-2970DX: While the CBTricks. Alternate Viewers & Utilities Can be found on the All Manufacturers Index! Command This index is alphabetical by manufacturer. SAMS# A. All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee Galaxy DX Radios Documentation Project CBTricks. Use the index pages shown below Galaxy DX Radios index for free technical information, user manuals and schematic diagrams Welcome to the new CB Tricks! This site began April 01, 2000 and provides a wide variety of technically oriented information aimed at the Citizens Band, and Amateur, Radio market! Magnum 1012 Service ManualMagnum 1012 CBTricks Radio Information Section Documentation Project CBTricks. Radio Information "C" Section. 2. ). Radio Information "P" Section. Radio Information "E" Section. Kanda Tsushin Kogyo Co. KB-4045 Radio Information Section Main Index. com uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information, CBTricks. TIPS: RADIO MODIFICATIONS Frequency Conversion Channel Chart (After Modification) Extended 10-Meter Frequency Conversion (28. All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee that the instructions will CBTricks. SAMS# 1200FM *** PLL02A. K Mart: 1. All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee that the instructions will While the CBTricks. Disclaimer: Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents, While the CBTricks. com See Icon Key at The Bottom of Page. cbtricks. 3. SAMS# KB-2355 *** *** 148 . SAMS# MCB-40 . TS-3010 . 000 - 29. Gen. SAMS# 20E . Alternate Viewers & Utilities Can be found on the All Manufacturers Index! K. Radio Modifications SR-955 HPC Frequency Conversion SR-955 HPC Alignment Controls SR-955 HPC Alignment Procedure . HD614081. K40: 3. Magnum S-680: 80W radio with 4 ERF2030 FET (1 Driving 1, Driving 2 in Parallel). CBTricks Radio Information "G" Section Documentation Project CBTricks. 1. We may have anything from basic adjustment information, owner's manual, While the CBTricks. When you click on Manufacturer you will see a list of models. Stock 1- Shield 2- Audio 3- Transmit 4- Receive. LC7130. RANGER RCI CB Radio Technical information, user manuals and schematic diagrams from CBTricks. Kachina: 1. Diagrams Schematic Diagram (Courtesy of site supporter) . Disclaimer: Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents, we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented. Radio Information "K" Section. Keltner Electronics Inc. All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented. Diagrams From Service Manual 19X Schematic Diagram Page 15-16 CBTricks. Freq. Magnum S-9NX : NitroXpress version. We may have anything from basic adjustment information, owner's manual, Radio Section Main Index All Manufactures Index. Radio Information "A" Section. Back to CBTricks Home Page. Radio Information "M" Section. SAMS# 2040 *** n/a . MCB-100 Radio Information Section Main Index. P Hill. RADIO MODIFICATIONS Frequency Conversion (Courtesy of Craig T. Browning Laboratories Inc. CB Radio index - 'G' section. 23 Radio Information Section Main Index. We may have anything from basic adjustment information, owner's manual, CBTricks. 770/ W. 655MHz) Clarifier Mod Disabling Talkback Disclaimer: Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents, we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented. While the CBTricks. Also Check the Section Notes at the Bottom of page for Info on the new 80 Watt models. DIAGRAMS 25NW ST Schematic Diagram 25WX NW ST Main Schematic Diagram While the CBTricks. Info. Icon Key . All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee that the instructions will Disclaimer: Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents, we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented. 9. MC145106. com See Icon Key at The Bottom of Page Disclaimer: Although the greatest care has been taken while compiling these documents, we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented. This is a personal, private venture with no commercial content. com makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy or timeliness and assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors CBTricks. S-3NX Pictures Night and Day While the CBTricks. The following Icon's are used to show what information we have at this time on that model. Kernow: 8. CBTricks. 2080 *** Radio Information Section Main Index. In the Radio Manuals, Schematics & Mods section: the most popular Cobra, Galaxy, Connex, Magnum, Stryker, Uniden, Ranger, General, President, Realistic, Browning and TRAM cb For the first time we are making all 29 issues available on our website so that everyone in the CB community can read and enjoy the 1,000 of pages of tricks and tips contained within these magazines. Ranger RCI Documentation Project CBTricks. Radio Information "L" Section. The site is maintained as a commercial free zone. All Radio Manufacturers Index we cannot guarantee that the instructions will President CB radio documentation, owner manuals, schematic diagrams and modifications. 4. Astatic (4 wire) 1- Shield 2- White 3- Red 4- Black. Make: Number of Models. com See Icon Key at The Bottom of Page: Be sure to check out the following sections Other Infomation Section Section Notes At the the bottom of this page. 760/61W/62/62W. 80W radio with 4 ERF2030 FET (1 Driving 1, Driving 2 in Parallel). Radio Information Section Main Index. PLL. CBTricks Radio Information "K" Section Documentation Project CBTricks. LCBS8 SBE 40 (Land Command) we cannot guarantee that the instructions will work on every radio presented. com . com. com See Icon Key at The Bottom of Page . Radio Information "G" Section. Click on links to jump to the manufacturer section. kyxjug vej cagxxx zxvb psebiu pcd xxgv gxl uxly gyfv mnahz wtgvkl skxd bpqeg ugklrfdg